Baked Haddock – Simple Delicious Recipe

I have a confession to make… I don’t like fish. Well, not really. Not most fish anyway. Now, I didn’t say that I don’t like seafood, just fish. If it crawls or sits in the mud in a shell, I like it. It could even do a little bit of swimming like shrimp or squid. But they aren’t fish. They Continue reading Baked Haddock – Simple Delicious Recipe

The Magic of Canned Biscuits

I am a big fan of canned biscuits. Not because they are the best tasting biscuits in the world – they’re not (although they’re not bad). I am a big fan of canned biscuits because you can do so much with them! And they’re right there in the fridge ready to go. So, what can you do with store-bought canned Continue reading The Magic of Canned Biscuits

Food Hack: How to Spread Cold Butter on Toast

Did you ever destroy a piece of toast by trying to spread cold butter on it? Of course you have. We’ve all been there. Well, I have some good news for you. You never have to destroy your toast again! There is a very simple solution, which I will now explain. All it takes is a modicum of forethought. At Continue reading Food Hack: How to Spread Cold Butter on Toast