I am a big fan of canned biscuits. Not because they are the best tasting biscuits in the world – they’re not (although they’re not bad). I am a big fan of canned biscuits because you can do so much with them! And they’re right there in the fridge ready to go.
So, what can you do with store-bought canned biscuits? The answer to that question is limited only by your imagination. Here are just a few ideas:
Yup, canned biscuits are great for quick individual pizzas. I just made canned biscuit pizza for my kids the other day, and they loved it! I used some leftover pasta sauce, threw some cheese and toppings on there, tossed it in the over for 10-12 minutes and BOOM!
Calzone / Stromboli
You make calzone and stromboli pretty much the same way you make pizza, just fold it over so that everything is tucked inside. So what is the difference between calzone and stromboli? Answer: the sauce. Put sauce inside with the cheese and toppings – that is stromboli. Serve the sauce on the side (if at all) – that is a calzone. Whichever way you go, they both work well with canned biscuit dough!
You make these like calzones and strombolis, but with Latin American flavors. And like traditional empanadas, you can cook these in one of two ways: fried or baked.
Baked Sandwiches
Again, these are similar to calzones, stombolis and empandas. The difference here is what goes inside. So put whatever you want. Whatever you think would taste good inside a toasted sandwich, shove it in! Ham and cheese, chicken, leftovers of all kinds, even peanut butter and jelly! Yes, a melty gooey peanut butter and jelly sandwich is delicious!
Fried or baked, canned biscuit dough is great for individual pies. Get some canned pie filling from the grocery store, put it on rolled out biscuit dough, fold it over and you’re ready to bake. Apple pie filing, cherry, pumpkin… whatever you like! They all taste great.
These are just a few suggestions. There are many more things you can do with canned biscuit dough. And I could list a lot more of them here, but frankly I’m out of time. Sorry, but I have to run! But give these a try and experiment. Let me know if you come up with something good.
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