Creamy Pesto Dip | Recipe by Mark Pantano

A tasty dip for vegetables that is easy to prepare. Cut up vegetables to go along with the dip. Or, to make it even easier, buy pre-cut assorted vegetables from the grocery story. Ingredients 1 container (8 ounces) sour cream Basil pesto (1/4 cup) Assorted cut-up vegetables for dipping Directions Mix sour cream and pesto until well-blended. That’s it! Best Continue reading Creamy Pesto Dip | Recipe by Mark Pantano

Grilled Vegetable Pasta | Recipe by Mark Pantano

With all the fresh vegetables available, my family and I love making this recipe in the summer. Start by grilling vegetables. We cook them on our propane grill but grill them on whatever you’ve got. The vegetables you use in this pasta are up to you – whatever you like. One of the vegetable combinations we like to use is Continue reading Grilled Vegetable Pasta | Recipe by Mark Pantano

Sweet Creamed Corn | Recipe by Mark Pantano

I have been making this sweet creamed corn recipe for years. It is always a huge hit. People ask me for this recipe more than any other. If you have a sweet tooth, and you like corn, then you are guaranteed to love this recipe. But I have to warn you, there’s a lot of sugar! Ingredients Frozen corn, butter, Continue reading Sweet Creamed Corn | Recipe by Mark Pantano

Chicken Cacciatore Recipe

Chicken cacciatore is delicious and simple to make. Served with pasta or a side of rice or vegetables, you will love it. The following is the list of ingredients you will need. Don’t worry about using exact measurements or amounts. And, as always, feel free to experiment. Cooking is art, not chemistry. Do what you like! Ingredients: 6-8 chicken thighs Continue reading Chicken Cacciatore Recipe

Pasta with Shrimp and Artichokes in Cream Sauce

So last night I whipped up a pasta dish with shrimp and artichokes. I made it up on the fly, but since it came out so good, I wanted to share it with you. Perhaps I will do a video next time I make it, but for now I will just write it down for you. It is easy to Continue reading Pasta with Shrimp and Artichokes in Cream Sauce

How to Make the Perfect Fried Egg (Video)

Below you will find a short video showing you how to cook the perfect fried egg. Well, at least I think this is the perfect fried egg. As with all things related to food, it depends upon your own personal taste. For me, I like my fried egg to be cooked very gently. I like a runny yolk, with just Continue reading How to Make the Perfect Fried Egg (Video)

Baked Haddock – Simple Delicious Recipe

I have a confession to make… I don’t like fish. Well, not really. Not most fish anyway. Now, I didn’t say that I don’t like seafood, just fish. If it crawls or sits in the mud in a shell, I like it. It could even do a little bit of swimming like shrimp or squid. But they aren’t fish. They Continue reading Baked Haddock – Simple Delicious Recipe