I remember the first time I saw the the word crudite on a menu. I had no idea what it was. I didn’t even know how to pronounce it. I pronounced it crood-ite. Well, that was WRONG, as I embarrassingly found out. It is pronounced “crood-i-tay.” I guess it’s a fancy French word. Well la-tee-da!
So what is crudite anyway?
Crudite is an appetizer platter. It is raw vegetables cut into slices, sticks or pieces and usually served with a dip.
That explains why I didn’t know what it was. Whenever I am at a party where crudite is served, I avoid that stuff like the plague! I look for the platters with the deep fried goodies or the melty cheesy stuff. I leave the crudite for the people who already know how to pronounce it.