Below you will find a short video showing you how to cook the perfect fried egg. Well, at least I think this is the perfect fried egg. As with all things related to food, it depends upon your own personal taste.
For me, I like my fried egg to be cooked very gently. I like a runny yolk, with just a little bit of hardened yolk on the bottom. It should be done over easy and it should have no browning – I do NOT like my eggs to have a brown, crispy bottom, like this:

But that is just me. Perhaps you do like your egg to be brown and crispy on the bottom. If so, there is something seriously wrong with you and you should seek treatment immediately. Just kidding (not really).
Anyway, please take a moment to watch the short video below to see how I cook my version of the perfect fried egg. You can tweak my process to get your egg just right. Just be sure to season your eggs. For some reason, people in my family never even add salt when they cook eggs. What’s up with that? I guess some people just like bland food. Oh well, to each their own, I suppose.
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