A smell. A taste. Close your eyes and you are transported back to a time and place where memories were made.
Like few other things, food has the ability to connect us to our past. To connect us to our loved ones. The smell of bread made from your grandmother’s recipe can instantly transport you back in time to her kitchen, where as a child she made that bread for you. The smell of a casserole as you take it out of the oven, and you are 10-years-old again and your mother is cooking in the kitchen while you watch cartoons. The taste of your father’s favorite chocolate cake, and you are once again sitting on his lap at the dinning room table as he helps you cut into his birthday cake.
Food is a powerful connection to our past, to our loved ones. A connection to a time and place long gone. A time and place we want to remember, to hold on to.
Food is important, not just for the sustenance of our bodies, but of our hearts. It helps us connect to our past and our loved ones. It also helps us establish new ways to connect to the future. Today’s shared food experiences are tomorrow’s connections to the past. Prepare a meal with your son or daughter, and years from now they will be able to connect with you as they prepare that same meal with their children. So cook. Experience the joys that come with preparing meals with the people you love, and you will make memories that will last a lifetime and beyond.
Here at The Rusty Pan, we want to help you make those memories. We will bring you recipes, videos, tips and suggestions to help you create food experiences that will help connect you and your loved ones through the years.